![Resource Word Templates Ebook Cover](https://img.simplerousercontent.net/scaled_image/7584897/1a4c950b6d6a8593f9a73b8a3be8a2d5675aa75a/Resource-Word-Templates-Ebook-Cover-599w-362h.png)
Take your new Microsoft Word skills to the next level!
This practical e-book will show you the exact steps you need to follow to take your new Microsoft Word documents and forms and truly streamline your processes by turning them into functional templates. This downloadable PDF includes screenshots and handy tips, so that you can truly master Microsoft Word, and take your business to the next level when it comes to impressing your clients.
If you are ready to work smarter, this is the perfect addition to your order. Normally $29, you can grab your copy now for a tiny $7.