Simple(ro) Starter Pack for Lead Magnets

Simplero Page Templates

Are you excited at the idea of being able to attract new people to your email list in Simplero, but have no idea how to get started?

Thrive has got you covered with this starter pack of Simplero landing page templates that will get you up and running in no time, with a professional, on-brand and seamless integration with your existing lists, products and account.

Simplero LM Pack (trans back)


This is a fabulous way to really up your game when it comes to building your business with Simplero ... all without having to add someone to your account to create the content for your, or waste hours of your valuable time creating everything from scratch (and it still not quite working properly!). This bundle contains 3 landing pages that are instantly added to your own Simplero account, as well as a thorough tutorial and checklist to make sure you can connect all of your existing Simplero pieces into the new content, this is the best way to build your Simplero account into something that truly captures the intention of an all-in-one platform! What's more, once you add these templates to your account, you can duplicate them for any future lead magnets you create, so you have a consistent looking sign up process, no matter how a new contact finds you!

This starter pack is all about showing you how Simplero's features and tools are able to maximise the impact, conversion and engagement your list building efforts are making, without having to link up multiple programs! You own the pages, and can customise and edit them at any time - talk about keeping things simple!

What's included

  • Lead Magnet Opt In: Get contacts signed up and on your mailing list with this proven layout

  • Tripwire Sales page: Simply input your specific product and pricing, and make selling even easier!

  • Customised Thank You pageMake new contacts feel seen, and build an instant connection without any effort on your part

  • Step by Step video tutorial: See exactly how to edit, brand, and link your new page with your existing Simplero elements

  • Installation Checklist: This super useful tool is the best way to make sure you have everything in order


Build your Lead Magnet inside Simplero... for just $99!

Get your Lead Magnet pack for $99 NOW!

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